Requirements: * your ZEDAT username and password * the following instructions will only work from a computer in either the physics department network or from WLAN (eduroam) This tutorial shows how to connect to your home share. If you want to connect to a different share just replace **home** by **grouphome**, **storage**, **backup** or **userpage**. 1) Make sure that the **Finder** application has the focus by clicking its icon (the "Happy Mac") in the Dock. Open the menu item **Go** and click on **Connect to Server**. {{ :shares:screen_shot_2012-01-19_at_3.31.39_pm.png? |}} 2) Enter **smb:%%/%%/** (instead of //username// use your ZEDAT account name) in the box for "Server Address:" and click **Connect**. {{ :shares:screen_shot_2012-01-19_at_4.47.20_pm.png? |}} 3) A window appears where you need to fill in for "Name" **FU-BERLIN\username** and your "Password". If you don't want to see this window in the future check the box to remember your password. Click **Connect**. {{ :shares:screen_shot_2012-01-19_at_4.47.56_pm.png? |}} 4) The device is now mounted on the **Desktop** named after your ZEDAT account name. {{ :shares:screen_shot_2012-01-19_at_3.34.31_pm.png? |}}