====== Connecting to a Linux computer using SSH from a Windows computer (text mode interface) ====== You can download PuTTY from this website here: [[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html|PuTTY client download website]] Start the PuTTY program and type the name of the computer you want to connect to into the field "Host Name (or IP address)" (login.physik.fu-berlin.de in this case), click **Open**: {{:services:remote-access:win10ssh_1.jpg|}} You will be asked whether you trust the remote host, click **Yes**. This dialog will be shown upon the first connection only: {{:services:remote-access:win10ssh_2.jpg|}} A terminal will open and ask for your username, please enter your username and press the enter key: {{:services:remote-access:win10ssh_3.jpg|}} Now you have enter your password and press the enter key: {{:services:remote-access:win10ssh_4.jpg|}} If your username and password was correct, you will be successfully connected: {{:services:remote-access:win10ssh_5.jpg|}}