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OCM modules can import functions from salwrap.dll. This is the list of functions, annotated with hex offset into the function table. The codeblock parser currently makes names with decimal offsets into this table. Readers, beware.

Remote in a function name means that the first parameter is a VM context structure, so that the function could perform work for a different VM than the currently running one, whereas Local means that the current thread ID gets matched to the VM contexts to find out which thread is running. Usually, the Remote functions are used to optimize (passing in the VM context instead of having to look it up) instead of operating on remote or offline VMs. Import 84hex (or 132dec, GetThreadBlock) returns the Local VM structure pointer.

This list is not a comprehensive documentation, I know, but it's a start.

; 00
BuiltinFunctions dd offset RemoteVMAllocateVolatile
		dd offset RemoteVMFreeVolatile
		dd offset LocalVMAllocateVolatile
		dd offset LocalVMFreeVolatile
; 10
		dd offset GetModuleNameByHandle
		dd offset GetModHndByName
		dd offset GetModuleByHandleEx
		dd offset AllocCreateModuleEntry
; 20
		dd offset LoadNativeModule
		dd offset sub_651216C0
		dd offset InitModule
		dd offset PrepareModule
; 30
		dd offset CreateNamedModule
		dd offset GetML_C04
		dd offset VMThrowError
		dd offset logstuff
; 40
		dd offset gettimeofday
		dd offset malloc_0
		dd offset free
		dd offset realloc
; 50
		dd offset localtime
		dd offset mktime
		dd offset atof
		dd offset CoCreateInstance
; 60
		dd offset gmtime
		dd offset time
		dd offset sub_6511CFC0
		dd offset CoTaskMemAlloc
; 70
		dd offset CoTaskMemFree
		dd offset RelocateModule
		dd 0
		dd offset AdvanceML_C08
; 80
		dd offset GetGlobalByName
		dd offset GetThreadBlock
		dd offset sub_6511D070
		dd offset EnterCritSectN
; 90
		dd offset LeaveCritSectN
		dd offset sub_65121F30
		dd offset sub_65122030
		dd 0
; A0
		dd 0
		dd offset pow
		dd offset floor
		dd offset cos
; B0
		dd offset sin
		dd offset sqrt
		dd offset atan
		dd offset log10
; C0
		dd offset fabs
		dd offset ceil
		dd offset log
		dd offset atan2
; D0
		dd offset abs
		dd offset labs
		dd 0
		dd 0
; E0
		dd 0
		dd 0
		dd 0
		dd offset asin
; F0
		dd 0
		dd 0
		dd 0
		dd offset _setjmp
; 100
		dd offset sub_651220B0
		dd 0
		dd 0
ocmsalwrapexports.txt · Last modified: 2009/04/29 23:24 by megadiscman

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