The quantization precision to load are numbers between 0 and 7, where 7 indicates highest precision and 1 means lowest precision and zero means no data at all (see quantization precision table).
There are 4 different encoding modes to choose from for each channel. The modes 1 and 2 mean different things on the master and the slave channel. Many encoding modes work with the combination of a prediction vector (selected from fixed built-in prediction vectors) and the residual deviation. The final table is obtained by summing the built-in vectors and the deltas. The deltas for this are in the range of 0..7, but no wrap-around is performed on overflow, so a base precision of 5 and a delta of 3 results in an invalid precision of 8. The delta table might contain fewer entries than quantization units present. In this case, the delta table is expanded before delta application. (Note that modes 1 and 2 on the slave channel do not use the standard delta/base model and work differently!)
All quantization precisions are directly encoded as binary numbers
One of four precision prediction vectors is selected and a delta list is stored. The first n deltas are stored in full precision (3 bits), all later deltas are stored with only b bits. The b-bit number from the file is added to a base delta c to obtain the later entries in the delta table. The expanded delta table is then added to the selected vector, no wraparound.
A delta table (stored huffman encoded by one of four different Huffman trees) like in the other delta modes is used, but it is not expanded before the master channel is added to it. This addition is with wraparound, so a 7 in the delta table is essentially a -1. The resulting precion list is then expanded. The quantization unit covered by expansion are not related to the master channel.
In this mode, one out of 127 mode 2 precision prediction vectors is selected. The delta to this vector can be encoded either per-unit or pairwise with codes from one of the first two precision delta encoding huffman trees. In case of pairwise coding, for each pair of quantization units one bit is stored indicating whether the delta for both of the quantization units is zero. In that case, the huffman codes for the deltas are ommited. If the pair disable bit is clear, it is followed by two huffman codes for the two quantization units. If pairwise delta disabling is disabled, all deltas are simply huffman encoded. Finally (after delta processing), expansion is applied.
This mode is (like mode 1 on the slave channel) a mode where the difference to the master channel is encoded. Only as many codes as are encoded in the difference table are taken from the master channel. After summing the master codes and the deltas, the final result is expanded.
In this mode, the differences are themselves delta-encoded. The first difference value is encoded plain, all following values as difference to the previous difference value. All difference processing wraps around.
A prediction vector and a delta table are combined just like in mode 1 for the master channel, but only the first entry of the delta table is directly encoded. All later entries of the delta table are huffman encoded differences to the previous entry of the delta table. The difference is stored modulo 8 (so a wrapping addition is used), resulting in a delta table containing the numbers 0 to 7. This delta table is then added after expansion to the prediction vector.
This mode is straight-forward and means that the delta table covers the whole amount of quantization units used in this frame.
Deltas are only stored for the first n quantization units (number is given in the bitstream), the delta table is expanded with zeroes (meaning no change to the prediction vector)
Works like mode 1, but instead of zeroes, all non-present deltas are assumed to be one.
For all quantization unit not given by the delta table, read a one bit that directly is the delta (zero or one).
This mode expands with a number of ones followed by a number of zeroes. The split point between the ones and the zeroes is given by a two bit number. The number is interpreted differently for the master and the slave channel. On the master channel, add one to that number to obtain the number of zeroes. On the slave channel, ad three to that number to obtain the number of ones.