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The band IMDCT is a standard 128-point (input) IMDCT, yielding 256 output points. The window for the IMDCT can be steep or soft, which can be chosen for the right half of the current block and is reused for the left half of the next block. As with ATRAC3, the coefficients of odd bands are stored in reverse order.

Window descriptions

The window descriptions describe the left half of the windows. The right half is the same, but reversed, i.e. starting at or near one and ending at or near zero.

Steep window description

  • 32 entries 0
  • 64 entries sinosidial rise, i.e. sin(([0..63]+0.5)*pi/128)
  • 32 entries 1

Soft window description

  • 128 entries sinosidial rise, i.e. sin(([0..127]+0.5)*pi/256)
atrac3p/band_imdct.1258224826.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/11/14 18:53 by megadiscman

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