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Serialized bandlet levels
The bandlet levels are logarithmically scaled scale factor for the band coefficients. An increase of three in the bandlet level value gives rise to an factor of two in the scaling value. The range of the level values is between 1 and 63. There are four level encoding modes, and all but mode 0 are different for the master and the slave channel.
Trailing bands with a quantizer of zero (i.e. no data) are trimmed.
Serialized Bandlet Levels Block
- 2 bit: Coding mode
Mode 0: direct coding
- for each untrimmed bandlet
- 6 bit: Level
Mode 3: ????
atrac3p/serialized_bandlet_levels.1258673713.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/11/19 23:35 by megadiscman