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This explains how to compile libhimd and QHiMDTransfer on MacOS 10.4 or higher.


First, download and install Apple XCode for your version of MacOS

The latest XCode (3.2.5) can be obtained from, while older versions (2.5, 3.1.4) can be found at

  • for MacOS 10.4 the latest version is 2.5: xcode25_8m2558_developerdvd.dmg
  • for MacOS 10.5 the latest version is 3.1.4: xcode314_2809_developerdvd.dmg
  • for MacOS 10.6 the latest (free) version is 3.2.6: xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3_final.dmg

If you're using MacOS 10.6.6 or more recent, you can also buy XCode (4.x) in the Mac App Store.

Then, download and install the Qt development libraries and headers for your version of MacOS

If you're using MacOS 10.6 and above, choose Cocoa. For MacOS 10.4 and 10.5 choose Carbon. Downloading "build interface and tools" only is sufficient to properly build QHiMDTransfer.

Installing Macports

The last prerequisite is to download and install Macports.

After installing macports, make sure that "/opt/local/bin" is in your path by adding the file macports in your paths.d folder, in a terminal (Applications→Utilities→Terminal), as normal user, type:

sudo echo "/opt/local/bin" > /etc/paths.d/macports

Installing extra packages in Macports

In the same terminal, type:

sudo port install glib2 libmad git-core sox libgcrypt taglib libid3tag libusb-devel

You will need to type your password to authenticate the sudo. Please be aware, that the port command will take quite an amount of time when you run it the first time since MacPorts has to compile all necessary packages from source. Especially on older PowerPC machines, the compilation of the code can take several hours (around 5 hours on a Mac Mini G4). It's highly recommended to let this step run over night on older machines.

Getting the code

After the additional ports have been installed in Macports, you'll to fetch the source code from our server.

Building and Running

There are in principal two different toolchains which can be used to build libhimd and qhimdtransfer on MacOS. One is using the standard Unix make command and the other one involves Apple's special XCode system. The former is recommended as the XCode variant might fail to build on MacOS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or on PPC machines.

Using make

This variant is very similar to the way the software is build on Linux. It just takes calling qmake with special options and then the obligatory make:

qmake -spec macx-g++ -r
make install

The executable will be called "" and can be found in the sub-folder qhimdtransfer. make install is used on MacOS X only to install the translations into the app bundle in the source tree. You don't need administrator access for make install.

Using XCode

This method is not recommended as it might cause trouble on MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) with so-called Jam targets. Also, you might run into trouble when qmake creates project files for MacOS/i386 on a PPC machine.

cd linux-minidisc
qmake -r

First, build libhimd:

cd libhimd
cd ..

Then QHiMDTransfer:

cd qhimdtransfer
cd ..

To run QHiMDTransfer, open the source directory in the finder, then change to qhimdtransfer/build/Default to locate the application "QHiMDTransfer" and double-click it to start.

Generating translation files

To generate the translation files for qhimdtransfer to display the GUI in your native language (if available for your language), call lrelease:

cd qhimdtransfer
make ts

Deploying the .app file

The final step of creating the Qt application is the deployment which makes it independent of the build environment (Qt, Macports, XCode) by incorporating all dynamic libraries into the app package. Since Qt provides a command-line utility to perform this step, this involves nothing but invoking it:

cd qhimdtransfer

Creating the installer .dmg image

Please see this website for instructions:

Building Universal Binaries

To build universal binaries (PPC + i386) or (i386 + x86_64), Macports ports need to be build with the +universal flag enabled, thus

sudo port install glib2 libmad git-core sox libmcrypt taglib +universal


Then add the additional architecture for the Qt project file, see:

meaning, adding either of

CONFIG+=x86 x86_x64 ppc

to the project files.

Important Notes

  • The application runs only on MacOS versions equal or higher than version of the build system
  • There is a bug in qmake which produces broken Makefiles or xcode project files on PowerPC Macs in Qt 4.5.3 and higher; please replace "i386" with "ppc" in all Makefiles in the qhimdtransfer folder to be able to build on PPC Macs, see (This bug will be fixed for Qt SDK 4.7.4)
  • The current portfile for ffmpeg in Macports is broken. Please use port edit ffmpeg to add the configure option "–extra-ldflags=-headerpad_max_install_names", see:
compilingonmac.1315569963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/09/09 12:06 by glaubitz

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