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Google Summer of Code Tasks

This page contains a subset of tasks from our main tasks section, specially selected for Google's Summer of Code. We also added some new tasks that we thought would be nice as tasks for GSoC. The list is split into tasks for the program library libhimd and for the GUI application qhimdtransfer.


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  • Renaming tracks support - Required skill level: Advanced

Task: Implement the renaming of tracks on the Hi-MD through the facilities of libhimd. This functionality will be used in qhimdtransfer so that users can rename their tracks on the Hi-MD. Implementing this code involves writing code which manipulates the TrackIndex file (see the_track-index_file) and writing the changes back to HiMD. Furthermore, in the frontend qhimdtransfer, code has to be implemented to call the new renaming functionality in the library, so that users can rename their tracks with an easy graphical user interface. Benefits: Users will be able to use a free software to edit the track names on their Hi-MD disks.

  • Deleting MP3 tracks support - Required skill level: Advanced to Expert

Task: Implement code which allows to delete tracks on a Hi-MD through the facilities of libhimd. This functionality will be used in qhimdtransfer so that users can delete MP3 tracks from a Hi-MD. Limit to MP3 tracks, as deleting other tracks involve updating the Sony DRM info. Implementing this code involves writing code which manipulates the TrackIndex file (see the_track-index_file) to remove all information of the corresponding track from the TrackIndex file and marking all associated blocks in the HMDHIFI.HMA file as unused. Furthermore, in the frontend qhimdtransfer, code has to be implemented to call the new deleting functionality in the library, so that users can delete their tracks with an easy graphical user interface. Benefits: Users will be able to use a free software to delete tracks from their Hi-MD disks.

  • Support track moving - Required skill level: Advanced to Expert

Task: Implement code that rearranges track numbers on a Hi-MD medium in libhimd. Track moving is just rearranging numbers in the track number → physical track descriptor mapping table. This functionality will be used by qhimdtransfer to change the order of tracks, preferrably by a drag/drop interface. Benefits: Users will be able to use free software to change the order of tracks on their Hi-MD disks.

  • Support grouping - Required skill level: Advanced to Expert

Task: Implement code to read/modify group info in libhimd. This functionality will be used in qhimdtransfer to show the tracks in a tree-shaped model within their groups and to drag/drop tracks between different groups. This depends on track moving, as only tracks next to each other can be put into the same group. Benefits: Users will be able to use free software to organize the tracks into groups on their Hi-MD disk.

  • Support split/join MP3 tracks - Required skill level: Expert

Task: Implement code that splits tracks into two pieces at a certain point in time. Limit this to MP3 tracks as creation/deletion of non-MP3-tracks involves the dreaded Sony DRM stuff. Code in qhimdtransfer to choose a point in time by listening to the track is out-of-scope for this project, the intended interface is that fragment/block/frame of the split point is already given, a himddump interface suffices for GSoC. The objective of this tasks is to get acquainted to the creation of new tracks before transferring new tracks to Hi-MD is implemented. Benefits: Power users might be able to split tracks using himddump, a greatly improved QHiMDTransfer (with playback support) can use this functionality for user-friendly splitting. Standard users can at least use the join functionality to join tracks on their Hi-MD disk using free software.

  • Writing MP3 tracks support - Required skill level: Expert

Task: Implement code to allow transfer of new tracks onto a Hi-MD disk through the facilities of libhimd. This functionality will be used in qhimdtransfer so that users can transfer MP3 tracks to their Hi-MD Walkman. Implementing this code involves a number of steps until the actual MP3 data is written to the HiMD disk:

1) Cut the mp3 file into frames.
2) Gather the frames into blocks of 16384-64=16320 Bytes.
3) Obfuscate these blocks with the track/disc specific MP3 encoding key (
4) Write these blocks into one or more contiguous chunks in the ATDATAxx.HMA file
5) Write fragment entries for the contiguous chunks into the fragment table in the TRKIDXxx.HMA file (experience with handling fragments is present from split/join/delete)
6) Write a track entry that points to the first fragment entry (experience with handling track entries is present from rename/split/join/delete).
7) Add the track to the main track descriptor index list (experience with this list is present from delete/move/split/join)

Thus, essentially, writing a track to a HiMD involves only cutting the source MP3 file with the help of the library libmad into frames, then gather these frames into block sizes of 16384-64=16320 Bytes (because 32 Bytes are required for a header and a footer block), obfuscating the frames with a simple algorithm and then finally writing the data onto the HiMD and adding an appropriate entry to the TrackIndex file.


  • Export tracklists to XML files - Required skill level: Basic

Task: Implement code in qhimdtransfer to allow export of the track listing of a HiMD to an XML file. This involves understanding the format of the tracklist file on the HiMD filesystem (see the_track-index_file) and basic knowledge of XML. Alternatively, any other non-proprietary (markup-/text-)file format is welcome. However, XML has the advantage that it can be imported by most applications which can process tabular data like these. Benefits: Users can create disk catalogues of their HiMD recordings to import and manage the catalogue data in a database which is very helpful when cataloguing large collections of HiMDs and later on standard MiniDiscs as well (once QHiMDTransfer has also support for NetMD).

  • Create RPM packages for Fedora (alternatively openSUSE, Mandriva) - Required skill level: Basic

Task: Create ready-installable RPM packages by creating a specs file according to (openSUSE:, Mandriva: This involves reading and understanding the appropriate packaging guides from Fedora (openSUSE, Mandriva) and creating the necessary specs file which will finally build the RPM package. Benefits: Allows the software to be uploaded and distributed to the aforementioned Linux distributions so that the users of these distributions can easily install and update qhimdtransfer with the package manager shipped by their distribution.

  • Create Haiku port - Required skill level: Advanced

Task: Make the source code ready to be built and run on Haiku. Since we have not tested the software on Haiku yet, we cannot really say how much time and efforts it will take to get the software running. However, since there are already ports of all libraries by qhimdtransfer and libhimd (especially Qt) to Haiku, it should be feasible to get things running. This task also involves writing build instructions for Haiku (see: compilingonhaiku) which explain in detail what packages will have to be installed on a freshly installed version of Haiku to be able to clone the git repository and build the code from source. Benefits: Users of the Haiku operating system will be able to connect and use their HiMD devices with their operating system of choice.

googlesummerofcode.1268352734.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/12 00:12 by glaubitz

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