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Google Summer of Code - Application Template
When applying for a Google Summer of Code grant to work with the linux-minidisc, your application must follow our application template (much of which we have borrowed from the NeL project who borrowed them from the Blender Foundation, thanks guys!).
Personal Details
- Name
- College/University
- Course/Major
- Email
- Conventional Contact Information (Phone and/or Address)
- Webpage (optional)
- IM Contacts (GTalk, MSN, AIM, Skype. Optional)
- IRC Nick (if you are on in #nel)
- Availability
o How much time do you plan to spend on the GSoC project?
o What is your intended start and end date. o What other factors are affecting your availability? o We need to know if your start will be delayed by exams, for example.
Background Information
- Please summarize your background (education and software development)
- Tell us a little about who you are what why you're interested in linux-minidisc.
- Rate from 0 to 5 your knowledge of the following tools:
1. C/C++
2. git 3. GNU/Linux programming tools OR Windows/MSVC programming tools OR Mac/Mac OS X programming tools (also say which one). 4. Qt 5. Python * (Optional) What was the first computer you programmed on? What was the most advanced program you wrote on it? (brief answer) * (Optional) Pick one C++ program that you have enjoyed writing. What made it satisfying to write? (brief answer).
Project Proposal
A short description of what you would like to do for the linux-minidisc project.
Benefits to the MiniDisc Community
Why your project will benefit the MiniDisc community.
What will be the final output from your project?
Project Details
A more detailed description.
Project Schedule
How long will the project take? When can you begin work? Include an estimated timeline of the project with mini-milestones. The more detailed the better but do not worry about being too detailed.
Thank you for applying to work with linux-minidisc in the Google Summer of Code program!