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himddiskformat [2010/06/05 17:04] megadiscmanhimddiskformat [2011/09/04 12:43] – [The file mclist0X.hma] megadiscman
Line 138: Line 138:
 ==== The file mclist0X.hma ==== ==== The file mclist0X.hma ====
-The filename "mclist01.hma" obviuosly derives from "MAClist" which is the name of one of the modules in OpenMG. MAC here stands for "Message authentication code" (see [[]]).+The filename "mclist01.hma" obviuosly derives from "MAClist" which is the name of one of the modules in OpenMG. MAC here stands for "Message authentication code" (see [[]]). In this case, the DRM license info of each track is considered a message, and the authenticity of these messages is confirmed by adding a 8-byte field to the track information. The MAC list contains all the MAC values of the different tracks and a master MAC that ties these together into one bundle. 
 +Furthermore, the MAC list contains a header that ties the MAC list to a specific "generation" of a specific medium. The generation is increased every time the DRM info changes. 
 +The final authentication is done by combining checksums of the medium-specific and the track-specific parts into a master "integrity check value" (ICV) which is stored outside of the FAT file system and only accessible using authenticated and encrypted SCSI commands.
-The contents of "mclist01.hma" are mostly zero, the non-zero part looks like this:+The contents of "mclist01.hma" are mostly zero until DRM protected tracks are uploaded, the non-zero part looks like this:
 <code> <code>
Line 152: Line 154:
 </code> </code>
-It contains information for the DRM system Sony employs (mostly for the ATRAC encoded tracks)Most notablyit contains a copy of the disc ID (a master key to derive further encryption keys) which is stored at offset 40h in this fileProbably this field is used to tie the file system image to a specific mediumAs the disc ID even changes if the medium formatted, a file system image only works until reformatting the medium and only on this medium.+The MAC list file is divided into three parts. The first 16 bytes are the file header, the next 80 bytes are for disc authentication and the remaining part is for track authentication. Both authentication parts start with an encrypted 3DES key used for authentication, followed by the data to authenticateTo decrypt the authentication key, a master key needs to be used. In the Sony DRM system, these master keys are stored in EKBs, in encrypted formThe disc authentication header contains an indication which EKB (that also means which master key) to use. 
 +0000 BYTES  magic signature "MLST" 
 +0004 DWORD  unknown purpose 
 +0008 BYTES  8 unknown bytes, always zero, maybe padding. 
 +0010 BYTES  16 bytes encrypted 3DES key for authenticating the first MAC list part 
 +0020 DWORD  Generation number of the DRM info 
 +0024 BYTES  20 unknown bytes, always zero, maybe padding 
 +0038 DWORD  ID of the EKB used for decrypting the authentication keys 
 +003C DWORD  4 unknown bytesalways zero, maybe padding 
 +0040 BYTES  16 bytes disc ID. This is copy of the real disc ID stored outside of the file system 
 +0050 BYTES  16 unknown bytes, always zero, maybe padding 
 +0060 BYTES  16 bytes encrypted 3DES key for authenticating the second MAC list part 
 +0070 BYTES  4000 * 8 bytes MAC values of tracks. Intersting count, as Hi-MD only has 2048 tracks. 
-The fields at offset 10h and 60h are presumably encryption keys for 3DES. It's not yet confirmed, whether those are the keys in cleartext or those are the keys in an encrypted form themselves. 
 ==== The file 00010012.hma ==== ==== The file 00010012.hma ====
himddiskformat.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/05 22:55 by megadiscman

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