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   + Checkout(file)
    - Checkin(file)
    NetMD.dll                              COM               (AVLib)           c++ code
            |                        |
            |                        v                        (This equivalent functionality as libnetmd)
            |                      ----------------------------------
            |                             NetMDAPI.dll   / NetMDUSB.sys             c++ code
            |                      -----------------------------------
   + IOmgNetMD::AttemptCheckout, CompleteCheckout...
----------------------------------------------  COM
    OmgNetMD.dll                                                 c++ code
            | salExec0 ( A procedure in netmd.ocm would implement first step in checkout...)
            |---------------------------------------------------------- netmd.ocm  (encrypted bytecode and c code)
----------------------------------------------  DLL
    salwrap.dll                                                       c++ code
                  Application VM
             --------------------------------             <--------------- init.ocm (interpeter, and runtime c libraries)

Virtual Machine overview

 OpenMG Module
 Secure Application Loader
	 Secure Application 
---------------------------------- Virtual ISA + Virtual ABI (library calls.)
 virtual machine
---------------------------------- ISA
 salwrap (host)
---------------------------------- ISA + ABI
---------------------------------- ISA

* ISA: Instruction Set Architecture.
* Virtual ISA: bytecode architecture.
* ABI: Application Binary Interface: Interface to OS System Calls.
* Virtual ISA: library calls to runtime libraries.

C++ interface to the virtual machine (application loader)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class SalBytecode
	SalBytecode(unsigned int);
	SalBytecode & operator=(class SalBytecode const &);

	// Input stream operators
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, long &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalPointer const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalNonConstPointer const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, OmgString const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalString const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalFileContent const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalExtrinsicsProg const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalLoadableModule const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, std::vector<unsigned char> &)
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalOmgId const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, OmgMmap const &);
	operator<<(SalBytecode &, SalKey const &);

	// Output stream operators
	operator>>(SalBytecode &, std::string<char> &);
	operator>>(SalBytecode &, std::vector<unsigned char> &);
	operator>>(SalBytecode &, SalAsnSeqBegin);
	operator>>(SalBytecode &, SalAsnSeqEnd &);
	operator>>(SalBytecode &, SalNonConstPointer &);
	operator>>(SalBytecode &, OmgString &);


	// 10 vars
								// var 0
	uchar *StreamBuf;		    // var 1
	int    StreamPos;			// var 2
	long int lenStreamBuf;		// var 3h

	int inArgSize;		// var10: 512

void salExec0(SalBytecode& input, SalBytecode& output, int, int, int);

The ocm-files


The OCM files (except for init.ocm which contains an extra layer of packing) are interpreted as OCMBytecode

Here is a decode for native code blocks from OCM files. It is severe works-for-me-quality, having at least the following issues:

  • It does not name imports from salwrap, it just puts offsets into the import table into a generic name. Check here for some name OCMSalwrapExports
  • It is unable to parse named exports
  • It does only support the relocation types (mostly direct imports of compiler helper functions) I needed.

The output of the program is an assembler source file (completely unreadable) that is intended to be compiled by the GNU assembler (Win32 port or cross-assembler in linux) and then loaded into a good disassembler, like IDA 4.9 Freeware for example.


Some info about analysing an OCM file can be found in this part of chat log:


Netmd.ocm: netmdocm

windowsdlls.1241436030.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/04 11:20 by marcus

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