OLPC@Physik FU-Berlin
Welcome to OLPC Projects at the FU Physics department. We're a bunch of Linux-hackers who participate in world-wide project of "One Laptop Per Child" (OLPC, http://www.laptop.org). Currently everybody is working on one or more projects either in hard- or software for the XO-Laptop, the hardware developed by the OLPC-Project.
We are:
Henning Glawe, Jonas Hoffmann and Adrian Glaubitz.
What we do:
Henning Glawe: make Debian run on the XO.
Jonas Hoffman: develop a DrumPad (for TamTam e.g.) utilizing a piezo-element to connect to USB-port
Adrian Glaubitz: setup a RepairDatabase, make an AssemblyGuide and DisassemblyGuide, make ScrewLocationDiagrams, get IonOnXO running, KernelBuildHowTo, GermanTranslation, TroubleshootingGuide …
As of July, 22, 2008, this wiki has just been setup, so there is no content on the linked wiki-pages yet. As I, Adrian, am waiting for my XO-Laptop to arrive from America, I cannot start with any of my projects yet =(.