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When & Where? Every Wednesday at 14:00 c.t. in the Dahlem Center Seminar Room (1.4.08).


Date Topic Speaker
13.7.2012 Electronic linear response calculations for dichroism spectroscopy Arne Scherrer, FUB
11.7.2012 Diploma-Talk Ole Schütt, FUB
2.7.2012 First Principles Calculations of Semiconductor Nanostructures Gabriel Bester, FUB
20.06.2012 tba (16:15) Arvid Ihrig, FUB
18.06.2012 Response of Periodic Systems to External Electric and Magnetic Fields Michael Springborg, U Saarbrücken
30.05.2012 Computational and experimental NMR studies on ions and polyamides in aqueous solution Michael Ryan Hansen, MPIP
Christoph Allolio, FUB
23.05.2012 Application of Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms Guido Falk von Rudorff, FUB
09.05.2012 B.Sc-Talk Sebastian Wolf, FUB
11.04.2012 Hydrogen bonded complex in aprotic media Svetlana Pylaeva, St Petersburg
04.04.2012 Physisorption of benzene on Ag 111 Falko Axmann , FHI Berlin
29.02.2012 Molecular dynamics simulations and IR spectra in ground and excited states Damien Laage, ENS Paris
16.02.2012 Ab initio Energy Dissipation in Adsorption Processes at Transition Metal Surfaces (PhD defense, 17h HS A) Jörg Meyer, FHI / TU München
10.02.2012 Transport and Spin Relaxation in spin-orbit coupled systems (PhD defense, 17h HS B, 0.1.01) Matthias Lüffe, FUB
08.02.2012 Aqueous solvation of ions via ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations Nora Illanes, FUB
24.01.2012 Ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy of molecular probes in aqueous solution Mohsen Sajadi, Humboldt University Berlin
11.01.2012 On exchange and correlation in density functional theory Arne Scherrer, FUB
04.01.2012 Energy dissipation in catalytic adsorption processes Jörg Meyer, FHI / TU München
public/groupseminar.1339506592.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/06/12 13:09 by sebasti

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