Table of Contents
GitLab-Server of Physics department
First use
Please use our documentation for more information: First use of GitLab-server
GitLab Runners
Please use our documentation for more information: Shared GitLab Runners of the Physics Department
User accounts
FU/ZEDAT accounts
If you have a FU/ZEDAT account enabled for the Physics computers, then you should be able to use directly the GitLab service. If there are any problems, please send a mail to with details about your problem.
External accounts
If you need an external account for cooperations of external persons with members of the department, please send a mail to with name and e-mail of the external person and the reason, why the account is needed. If the account is only temporary, please include the exploration date.
services/gitlab/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 21:42 by hoffmac00